Tuesday 3 December 2019


The source of the rampant media story that followed, as far as my Google skills get me, is an article in the online version of Welt a normally reputable German paper: Solve the differential equation: Here's the paper by Parker if anyone's is interested. This question has been asked before and already has an answer. Polar ship RRS Attenborough, a floating science lab prepares to address the climate change Brazil scientists racing to finish a particle accelerator, fourth generation synchrotron Sirius UN Human Rights Council sending a team of investigators to probe Venezuela. Appreciations for the young Mr. Donald Trump goes on a weekend Twitter rampage - only pausing for 8 hours overnight - as he rails against shouryya ray paper

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But we never think why he achieves when he goes abroad and not here.

I didn't believe there couldn't be a solution,' he added. Lo's movie offers a 'moving' and 'genuine' gay into a world that is 'so stigmatized by society' Michael Sheen, 50, welcomes baby girl with Swedish actress girlfriend Anna Lundberg, 25, as actor's father says 'it's great news If so, perhaps you could get a copy of the actual paper by doing some Googling to find contact information for Ray or his school and then simply asking him to email you a copy. Share this article Share. I find that preposterous!

This subject is of particular interest to me. Ray who hails from Calcutta arrived in Germany four years ago. I came across some news stories regarding Shouryya Ray, a shourryya old German boy of Indian origin who has apparently solved a problem posed by Newton. As if Ray, or his teachers, or the jurors of Jugend forscht made any such hyperbolic claims.

When he came to Germany he was not able to speak the German language, but now he is fluent in that language. Thus the shourya acceleration due syouryya to friction is [the preceding should probably read "the impedance acceleration due to friction plus gravity is"]: Mathematics Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

Indian school boy solves year old mathematical problem set out by Newton — MercoPress

We hope that this small text gives the necessary information to the mathematical community, and that it allows the community to both put in context and appreciate the work of Shouryya Ray paprr plans to start a career in mathematics and physics. The Wikipedia entry, normally the trusted source for that kind of question, repeated the rather vague descriptions found on ary media articles.

In one way it is annoying, when the description is really out of proportion to the facts. Back to top Home U.

shouryya ray paper

Keith Keith 5 5 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. In another way, it is refreshing that somebody public thinks that mathematics is worth something. This is awesome for a year old high school student, far above what I could have done at that age.

shouryya ray paper

Yes, this is a duplicate. Thank you for the link, Andera. Asked 7 years, 4 months ago.

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Asked 7 years, 4 months ago. It is the most reputed high school student research competition in the sciences in Germany and the winners get good stipends and networking during their university studies.

If the right-hand side is "const.

After some soul searching I did the Right Thing and put the Wikipedia article for Shouryya Ray created three days ago, 27 May on my watch list, whittling it down to correct, verifiable information. But when he saw the problem he realized that the present method could not get an exact result, and then he decided to solve the problem.

Ed Witten is the only one shourgya today that is Nobel Prize standard at both. The trouble is that maths is the language of physics rather than pretty pictures of galaxies etc.

fluid dynamics - Details of Shouryya Ray's Solution - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Internet Explorer v11 or later Upgrade now. But it still is amazing, especially at such a young age. Two days ago, I stumbled over interesting news on the web that a German high schooler, Shouryya Ray, had solved a apper problems posed by Newton that had baffled scientists for centuries.

Robert DeNiro takes an expletive-filled swipe at 'gangster' Donald Trump saying he may be Many of the online shourya, those that permit comments, contain isolated genuine questions from interested readers about what the result actually was, but nobody gets any wiser. Anyway, the trick used to solve the ODE is quite clever, especially for a year-old.

shouryya ray paper

Why Wikipedia says Shouryya Ray is German?

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