Sunday, 24 November 2019


Frank Cadena heavy translation Maxtram Provided the tools and image editing CrashmanX Coding and simple translating Mani Translation Thong Translation Snu- Translation Fightercraft Translation We're always welcoming extra members, especially anyone with some skills in photoshop for image editing. I'm looking for someone, anyone, who can create some images for me using photoshop and keep the original style as best as you can that the originals had. Just the things you NEED to play the game. So I've just about lost all interest in translating Danball. How do I save once I've made the changes? Maxtram Oct 14, Right now we're working the items, parts, menus, and descriptions. danball senki boost psp english patch

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I quit working about 3 months back and just haven't messed with anything since.

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I've just lost all interest and don't care about Danball anymore. I've never used pastebin before. Why do you do this Danball?

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I don't know for certain. I'm looking for someone, anyone, who can create some images for me using photoshop and keep the original style as best as you can that the originals had. Just let me know what the original was and what you translated it to and from which of the files.

Dsnball you're not sure that's right, post it here and I'll let you know. Well I've gotten half of the Quest titles roughly translated.

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Also just looking for general translators who want to help out ATM. No, not quite yet. So I've just about lost all interest in translating Danball. No, create an account now. Log in or Sign up. Yes, my password is: Your name or email address: Open UMDGen again and replace the old install. This appears to be the majority of the game content though story aside.

BTX Partial more names. Don't be afraid to ask if you get stuck. Use CPK tools to extract the data from the Install.

I love Level-5 developer games. There are images within the game which require more than what paint can do Unless you dump a TON of time into it, then anything is possible and require a more complex program like Photoshop. I just need you to be able to make said images.

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Is it ok if I just put the translated text next to the Japanese text? I'll help with the translation of the files later when I have some time.

How can i play danball senki w with the update patch tiamatDec 27,in forum: Do you already have an account? Frank Cadena heavy translation Maxtram Provided the patcn and image editing CrashmanX Coding and simple translating Mani Translation Thong Translation Snu- Translation Fightercraft Translation We're always welcoming extra members, especially anyone with some skills in photoshop for image editing.

Danball Senki Boost [English Patched]

I'd be more than glad to assist someone if they continued our work. Now I've been able to get a small amount done, primarily the main menu. Page 1 of Translate images or text as you wish. Why are you translating this?

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I've doing some here and there when I need to take a break from work.

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