Monday, 25 November 2019


From his contemporary approach, with that deep knowledge, combined with their high technical skills, Janusz and his partners take a step forward to build a new repertoire that creates beauty and truth. Serce Janusz Prusinowski Kompania T In Janusz was nominee to the award for the Common Good by the presidence of Poland and on May the 4th album by the band is awarded as the best folk album by the Polish National Radio. Traditional music from the heart of Poland, freshly treated and played with a big heart. We have available some different programs with Janusz Prusinowski Kompania: janusz prusinowski trio serce

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Janusz and his team have found that emotion exactly in the bearers of that popular inheritance, in its living sources: In the footsteps Janusz Prusinowski Kompania T All these dances have the potential to transform the mundane into something unique. At the same time, they are born entertainers, that combine their work in concerts in very diverse contexts, from rural parties to temples of music like the Carnegie Hall in New York, with folk dance workshops.

No reconstructionist attempts to bring back a past era; these musicians are going for what, to past generations and now, makes these tunes and rhythms and ways of playing good.

janusz prusinowski trio serce

Traditional instruments of Polish folk music are used: And this, maybe, makes it so different from the playing of an Early Music ensemble. Mazurki Janusz Prusinowski Kompania T They mean a new phase on the long history of global conquest by Polish music.

janusz prusinowski trio serce

Oberek Stefka z Brudzewic 4. Serce Janusz Prusinowski Kompania T Serce recorded and mastered by: The band succeed in reaching that by investing a lot of their own creativity: Janusz Prusinowski Kompania we are their agents for Spain and Portugal, with their wonderful program of traditional Polish music and own compositions. The band has played all over Europe, at Canada and the USA, where they have played in temples of the music, like the Carnegie Hall in New York and the Chicago Symphony Center, also in Asia, and they have been selected for the most important global trade fair of world music: From his contemporary approach, with that deep knowledge, combined with their high technical skills, Janusz and his partners take a step forward to build a new repertoire that creates beauty and truth.

Dorota Piszczatowska graphic design by: Dorota Piszczatowska photographs by: Womex Thessaloniki and Womex Cardiff Janusz Prusinowski From reviews: Andrew Cronshaw, fRoots, Castile and Mazovia, from heart to heart With Miguel Ituarte: Traditional music from the heart of Poland, freshly treated and played with a big heart.

Janusz Prusinowski Kompania

Janusz Prusinowski Kompania is the main representative of Prusiinowski traditional music, appreciated internationally both by the institutions and the public. The music they produce, lurching, rhythm-jumping is vigorous, grainy-textured, even appearing rough on the surface, but in no way is any of the playing anything but extremely skilled; these are contemporarily aware players, with deep love and understanding of central Polish traditional music and its techniques.

In Janusz was nominee to the award for the Common Good by the presidence of Poland and on May the 4th album by the band is awarded as the best folk album by the Polish National Radio. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In all this melodies we can recognise the heartbeat of musicians and dancers that came before us. Which is the deep emotion that underlie in a music that, refering to the Romantic character of the Spanish literature Don Juan, has climbed to the palaces and has gone down to the huts, that has gone across centuries and continents, in an unfinished transmutation?

Simon Broughton, music critic in Songlines, Great Britain.

Serce by Prusinowski Kompania | Free Listening on SoundCloud

We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Marianna Oklejak translated by: Mazureks, polkas, kujawiaks, kujons, obereks, wiwats and walking dances recorded on this CD have served many generations living in the heart of Poland. Music that revokes times long gone by — but still deeply rooted in our present time. The musical legacy that Poland has provided to the world is undoubtedly one of the largest and with widest reach.

janusz prusinowski trio serce

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